Student Complaint Procedure


Approval Date: April 19th 2021 
Implementation Date:  September 1st, 2021 
Review Date: April 2023 
Responsible Office: Executive Director 
Edited: August 26th, 2022 

Randolph College for the Performing Arts (RCPA) is committed to the prompt and equitable resolution of issues arising between the College and its students to the satisfaction of both the Student and Randolph College. The Student Complaint Procedure is designed to provide students with both an informal and formal process to request the review and resolution of a concern. 

Any complaints related to the grounds specified in the Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy or behaviour which is abusive, demeaning, threatening, or intimidating, or involves the misuse of authority or power, should follow the procedures outlined in the Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy. 

The student has the right to present their case and be accompanied, at any time during the process, by a representative. 

The College will communicate any decision and the reasons for said decision to the student in writing. 

Students are encouraged to address concerns as soon as possible. 

As per the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 28, Sched. L (, and the Statement of Students' Rights and Responsibilities; ( 

All private career colleges are required to have a student complaint procedure in place to resolve issues arising between the college and its students. You must first go through a private career college’s student complaint procedure before filing a complaint with the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges. A Student may submit a complaint electronically to the to the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges through the PARIS System: 


  1. We would recommend that whenever possible you first try to resolve the issue at its source. In other words, start by speaking to your colleague, instructor or to the staff member in question about your concerns, if it is possible to do so. You may also request a mediated discussion with Student Services or the Program Manager facilitating.  

  2. If the issue is not resolved after you speak to your colleague or instructor, or you are reluctant to deal directly with your colleague or instructor because of the nature of your complaint, you can speak to your Student Representative who can advocate on your behalf or in some cases, assist you in escalating the matter. This may include:  

    1. Speaking with the Head of the Department the course is taught in (e.g., if your concern is about a dance course you would speak with the Head of the Dance Department); 

    2. Speaking with Student Services

    3. Speaking with the Program Manager or a representative of the Office of the Program Manager. 

      The student has the right to present their case and be accompanied, at any time during the process, by a representative (this may or may not be your Student Representative). 

      In general, you can ask to discuss an issue confidentially, or you can request that your concern be addressed with the subject of your complaint. If a concern is being addressed by a staff member on your behalf, your identity will be shared with the subject of your complaint. 

  3. In some situations, it may be appropriate to follow up on your concern with the Program Manager. 


If you do not want an informal meeting or if an informal meeting does not result in a situation acceptable to you, you can make a formal complaint. You must make your formal complaint known in writing. You should include as much detail as possible when describing the complaint including names, dates, and locations if applicable. 

Formal complaints should be addressed to the Program Manager.

The Program Manager is designated to receive and make decisions about formal student complaints. Upon receipt of a formal, written complaint, you will have the opportunity to meet with the Program Manager to formally discuss the complaint. You are entitled to attend and make oral submissions or you may attend with a representative who can speak on your behalf. Minutes will be taken at all meetings regarding formal complaints and a copy of the meeting minutes provided to the student for their records. The Program Manager will then formally investigate the complaint, gathering information, submissions, and seeking input from all parties involved. The Program Manager may seek additional support throughout the investigation process from other parties as required.  

The Program Manager’s decision, including reasons that the decision is based on, will be communicated to you, in writing, within 30 calendar days of receiving the formal, written complaint. Along with the written decision, you will also receive a copy of your complaint and any submissions received. However, should a person who makes a statement request anonymity, all identifying information will be redacted from the copy of the file provided to you.  

If your complaint directly involves the Program Manager, the formal complaint may be addressed to the Executive Director, who will assume the responsibilities designated for the Program Manager in the procedure outlined above. 

If your complaint directly involves the Executive Director, the formal complaint may be addressed to the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts. Please contact Reception for their contact information.  


If you are not satisfied with the decision, you may request a review and must make that formal request in writing to the Executive Director.  

Request for Reviews should be addressed to the Executive Director.

Upon receipt of a written request to review the decision, you will have the opportunity to meet with the Executive Director to discuss the review. You are entitled to attend and make oral submissions or you may attend with a representative who can speak on your behalf. Minutes will be taken at all meetings regarding formal complaints and a copy of the meeting minutes provided to the student for their records. The Executive Director will then review the decision.  

The Executive Director's decision, including reasons that the decision is based on, will be communicated to you, in writing, within 30 calendar days of receiving the written request for a review. Along with the Executive Director’s written decision, you will also receive a copy of your request and any submissions received. However, should a person who makes a statement request anonymity, all identifying information will be redacted from the copy of the file provided to you. All decisions by the Executive Director are final.  

If you are not satisfied with this formal review by the Executive Director, you may file your complaint with the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges.  


All information obtained from a complaint or review will be well documented with any actions, submissions, or decisions recorded in writing. A copy of your written complaint, any submissions or information that is received or gathered, the final written decision, and any review of said decision will be compiled and filed in a locked cabinet on Randolph College premises. Randolph College will maintain all files of every student complaint on premises for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision.  

A complaint or request for review can be withdrawn at any time without prejudice. Time frames may be extended by the College but only under exceptional circumstances. 


Randolph College administrators will endeavor to maintain confidentiality with respect to complaints to the greatest extent possible. Parties and witnesses are expected to keep information discussed confidential. Unwarranted breaches of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action or sanctions. Confidentiality with respect to the findings and the sanction will be maintained, except to the extent necessary to implement and/or defend, or as required by law. 

Randolph College